Needles, cartridges, tips

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    Art: 02683 Mast Pro Cartridges 1 RL 0.35 (1201RL) 1 pc Mast Pro
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    Art: 02682 Mast Pro Cartridges 1 RL 0.25 (0801RL) 1 pc
    Mast Pro
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    Art: 03601 Mast Pro Cartridges 1 RL 0.30 (1001RL) 20 pcs Mast Pro
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    Art: 03072 Mast Pro Cartridges 1 RL 0.30 (1001RL) 1 pc Mast Pro
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    Art: 02685 Mast Pro Cartridges 1 RL 0.35 (1201RL) 20 pcs Mast Pro
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    Art: 03762 Mast Pro Cartridges 1 RLT 0.30 (1001RLT) 20 pcs Mast Pro
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    Art: 02684 Mast Pro Cartridges 3 RL 0.30 (1003RL) 1 pc Mast Pro
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    Art: 03768 Mast Pro Cartridges 1 RLT 0.30 (1001RLT) 1 pc Mast Pro
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    Needles for hardware tattoo of eyebrows, lips and eyelids

    Permanent make-up is a combination of safe dye, European equipment, master's experience and a needle. The last one is the main instrument of any tattoo artist during a procedure.

    The task of the needle during the procedure of creating makeup is to penetrate the protective layer of the epidermis and inject pigments into the upper layer of the skin with minimal damage. Therefore, the needle should be:

    High-quality. The days when needles were made from thorns are gone. After a while, steel was invented. Today needles for permanent makeup are made from this material (although today people sell both gold and titanium from all kinds of alloys). They are sharpened, polished with a laser (which injects the pigment exactly under the skin), sterilized and packed in individual packaging. The painlessness of the procedure and the final result depend on the quality of the needle.

    Sharp. For permanent make-up special needles are used, which are sharpened «‎under a pencil». Thanks to this the tattoo is almost painless. The procedure also uses longer needles that penetrate deeper into the skin, which prolongs the durability of the pigment and reduces the need for frequent repetitions of the session.

    In addition keep in mind that any contact of the needle with a non-target object will dull it, making it difficult to penetrate the epidermis, which will lead to further microtrauma.

    Sterile or disposable. In order to avoid infections today every tattoo salon must comply with sanitary standards. In order not to bother with sterilization, disposable needles are used. They don't need disinfection. It is enough for the master to get them out of the packaging and insert them into the tattoo machine. In many salons several needles are still used, which are sterilized after each procedure: they are washed with an antiseptic composition, rinsed with water, dried at a temperature of 120-140 °C and placed in a package. Store these needles in an airy place with low humidity to avoid rust.