Dr.Gritz Vaseline Bubble Gum Tattoo Vaseline 50 ml

Dr.Gritz Vaseline Bubble Gum Tattoo Vaseline 50 ml

Dr.Gritz Bubble Gum Vaseline is an organic substitute for conventional medical Vaseline for tattooing and permanent makeup, helps the technician to maintain a smooth and clean skin surface, moisturizes well and reduces friction during the procedure. The product has a pleasant color and fresh gum aroma. It is applied exactly at the moment of tattoo application.

Natural components, which are included in the composition of petroleum jelly, take care of the skin during the process, deprive redness, irritation and discomfort of the skin. The product does not remove the results of the transfer, economical in use.

Apply Dr.Gritz Bubble Gum Tattoo Vaseline to the skin during your tattoo session to moisturize and reduce friction.

pharmaceutical petroleum jelly, Shea butter, vitamin A, vitamin E, peach oil, petroleum jelly oil, pink food coloring


50 ml | 1.7 fl. oz.



Shelf life:

2 years from the date of manufacture

Country of manufacture:


Софія Гаспарян

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